At this crucial time, the adoption of renewable hydrogen and its derivatives is essential to advance decarbonization and promote energy flexibility. After the resounding success of the 2024 edition, which brought together more than 400 industry leaders and 80 expert speakers, RENMAD HIDROGENO returns on March 12-13, 2025 to Zaragoza to celebrate its fifth edition.😊
We are designing a program that will address all the uncertainties in the sector. Among the highlighted topics we will include in 2025 are:
Gain a comprehensive understanding of the latest updates in the EU regulatory framework for renewable hydrogen, with a focus on the RED III Directive, its national transposition, and the relevant deadlines
Learn the distinctions between guarantee of origin schemes and sustainability certificates for renewable hydrogen, and explore how to prevent double counting to optimise processes
Identify public funding opportunities, including IPCEIs and PERTE H2 Valleys, as well as private financing strategies that drive the energy transition, and examine their impact on renewable hydrogen projects
Review the second auction of the European Hydrogen Bank: analyse the targets achieved and the results obtained so far
Forecast the demand for renewable hydrogen by 2030, exploring incentives, targets, and decarbonisation plans across the industrial, land, maritime, and aviation sectors
Get the latest insights on the renewable hydrogen market: including industry outlooks, key hydrogen business models, and the development of hydrogen valleys, assessing their progress, realistic timelines, and required infrastructure
Evaluate the electrolyser market: by analysing price trends, current electrolysis technologies, and production scalability to optimise your Levelised Cost of Hydrogen (LCOH)
+Discover strategies to secure an energy mix that ensures the resources necessary for renewable hydrogen: production, including renewable energy generation capacity, grid connections, and water access
+Explore the present and future of the renewable hydrogen derivatives market: analyse market trends, growth opportunities, and technological advancements shaping the sector
+Address the technical, economic, and regulatory challenges in decarbonising ports and establishing maritime corridors for hydrogen and its derivatives